


In San Luis Potosí, S. L. P., on November 20, 2022, two or more Mexican citizens are CALLED, who by their own right and without representatives, participate in a CONSTITUENT MEETING OF MEXICO, of a sovereign, public, peaceful, original, transitory, full powers and counterrevolutionary resistance, to deal with the country’s political affairs.


Military coups or revolutions such as those that occurred in the history of Mexico are not considered within the philosophy of law as valid ways to access the exercise of the powers of the State, the use of force and weapons to demand some rights. caused public disorder and the commission of serious crimes, which must be corrected and punished according to the public accusation of article 128 of the legitimate Constitution of 1857.


From the Heart: Article 31-I of the legitimate Constitution of 1857, “Mexicans have the obligation to: ensure the independence, territory, honor, rights and interests of their country. The oath of the National Anthem: “Homeland, Homeland, your children swear to you, exhale their breath on your altars.” The Pledge of Allegiance. “… we promise to always be faithful to the principles of freedom and justice that make our country an independent, humane and generous nation to which we give our existence.”

Of the Reason: Article 128 Constitution of 1857. The 9th American International Conference: Tobar Doctrine: Resolution XXXV non-recognition of de facto governments. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, resolution 2022 on the free self-determination of peoples. GuacamayaLeaks Archives. Recommendation 46-2022 C.N.D.H.


Recover the freedom of the Mexican people.
Reestablish the observance of the legitimate Constitution of 1857.
Prosecute the intruders of the Revolutionary State.
Alter or modify the form of government of the Mexican Republic.


RECEPTION, DISCUSSION OF PROCLAMATIONS AND PLENARY: Central Public Library. In front of the Alameda. Direction: Manuel José Othón. Esq. Chico Sein, Downtown, C.P. 78000, San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico. Hours: Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday: 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., as of January 1, 2023, and the constituents will determine the date, place and time of the plenary.

See the program: https://reunionconstituyentedemexico.noblogs


Lic. José Alfredo Loredo Zárate


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